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Who Does the Killing?

I strongly believe guns don’t kill people, only people can kill people. You’ll find this debate matters to all people when we fully engage ourselves in this topic. The people that want to harm others could attack our family and friends at school, work, or home.

Many times we want to put the blame on the gun, because it was the weapon used to kill others. The gun can instantly kill people with a single bullet. The reason people want to believe the gun kills others is because the gun can lead to a mass destruction. A gun can kill innocent people within seconds. Although, if we take guns out of this situation, the potential shooter would find another way. Eliminating the gun wouldn’t solve our problems, because the person would still be the cause of death.

There recently was a school shooting in Florida where Nikolas Cruz killed seventeen people. He was the one that loaded the gun and fired it, killing anybody in his path. The gun provided him with a chance to kill more. However, if he didn’t have a gun he would’ve found other means for destruction.

These tragedies leave us questioning “why did this happen?” We may not want to believe someone would do something like shoot up a school. Things like this happen all the time, but the people that plan every little detail of a shooting are going to be the cause of casualties.

We need to realize those people are the reason for death. These people pull the trigger, and if they didn’t touch the gun then the gun wouldn’t be harmful.

Those that want to harm others always find another way, but those that are hurting right now know the person behind the trigger is the cause of death. They know that their loved one is dead because someone killed their beloved one.

Remember, the gun only becomes harmful when a person pulls the trigger.


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