Guns (and Cars) Don't Kill People

With the gun control topic on the rise, people forget that twice the amount of people have died from drunk driving compared to shootings. Many people today blame the guns for all the violence and don’t hold the person pulling the trigger accountable.
When we hear about someone getting killed by a drunk driver, everyone blames the driver and not the car or alcohol. I think this is a perfect example of how we should more people accountable. According to Gun Violence Archive, 2,326 deaths have been reported in relation to gun violence. However, drunk driver fatalities may apply to older people. The gun control topic is so important right now because young adults and kids are getting attacked and shot in school. We need to make schools safer for staff and all the kids.
How do we make schools safer? We can get metal detectors at every entrance and have at least two armed officers depending on the school size and have them walk the halls. This may not stop all the shootings but it will definitely slow
them down and save lives. We can’t stop bad people from doing bad things because they will always find their way around the system. The best thing we can do to prepare for the worst and keep schools safe.
At the end of the day, we need to come together as one country and work harder on stopping these terrorists. People kill people, so we need to stop making excuses and blaming objects. A car is a deadly piece of machinery, just like a gun, but we don’t blame cars for car fatalities. So we don’t need to blame guns for shooting and we need to start holding the criminals accountable. Let's come together and defend our safety.