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Background checks in schools?

On February 14, 2018 a shooting happened in Florida. A kid was expelled and decided to pull the fire alarm and people started to run out thinking that there was a fire in the building. But what they didn't know is that it was purposely pulled. After they ran out thea kid started to shoot up the school and some even caught the gun fires on camera, it was a very tragic event and 17 died.

I think that since the tragic event happened it would be a good idea to have background check on the students , so they have information about them, even going into other schools. I think this should become a need for all schools in order to keep kids safe from these kinds of dangers. Background checks help schools know if they were violence in the passed and most likely keep those kind of kids out of their school.

If a student gets expelled should, it be put on their backgrounds so other schools that they might go to will know about it. If it goes on background check, other schools that someone goes to after being expelled can know they were and maybe consider not letting them go into their school and keep a watchful eye on them because they can not be trusted. Many schools already don’t allow weapons in the building, but I still think that being expelled with a weapon should be put on their background check because it's important to know what kind of person is walking in your school and you might not want to allow a person who has that kind of background to go into your school.

Many schools have experienced school shootings or a threat to their schools over the years, it has been happening more frequently than it should be. It's a little sad when I can watch on the news that a school shooting has occurred and not be all that shocked because its normal to me because I've seen it happen on the news all the time. It should not be a normal thing that happens, this is why I want schools to do background checks, it may not help the whole situation but it will calm it down. I just don’t want to see another school shooting happen , it hurts many people and effects lives. I think that if we do this then it will reduce the people who have violence and will make school a little bit more safe than before.

I think that with the background check in mind then we will help ways to make school a little bit safer. Background checks should be a big part of getting into schools and also colleges because it's important to make schools safe, and know that the people who are in the buildings are safe around others. The Florida shooting should be a wake up call to everyone ,letting them know we should take action and figure out how to make school a lot safer. I don’t want to keep going on with thinking that its a normal thing that happens at schools. So I really hope it changes.


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