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Arming Teachers

Here at Licking Valley, if we have a lockdown you are supposed to barricade the door and lock it. If someone comes in the room, everyone is supposed to start throwing books. I would feel so much safer if my teacher had a gun because my teacher could shoot at the person and at least protect us.

It is important that teachers are armed. Recently we have had threats and school shootings happening lately. There was a shooting in Florida and there was no way for the teachers to really protect the kids, so they had to try throwing stuff at the shooter or just hide. Seventeen kids’ lives were taken. If the teachers were armed, that number wouldn't be as high or maybe no lives would have been taken.

Teachers should be armed, if someone comes into the school and tries to shoot the school up, the only thing the students have to protect themselves is a book or chairs. Kids go to school feeling unsafe, most don't want to go. If the shooter comes to the classroom you’re in and your teacher has a gun, the teacher will be able to protect the students I feel it will be more effective if they are armed and fewer people will be harmed.

The teachers being armed will make kids feel safer at school, actually want to got school, and not really have to worry about not feeling protected. If the teacher does not want to carry a gun, they shouldn’t have to, but I feel like most teachers would like to carry one so everyone feels safe. Teachers should have a concealed carry and it will make things a lot better.


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