Feminism Matters

Feminism in the modern day world creates a positive change for everyone everywhere. Feminism is holding the belief that all genders are equal.
There are minor injustices between genders in the U.S, such as women being paid less than men or even with stereotypical gender roles assigned to men and women. However, worldwide there are major ones. Feminism is the fight to end gender roles and gender inequality.
News Deeply says the Lebanon marry-your-rapist law was just repealed in 2017. Prior to the repeal, men were given the option to marry their rape victims, regardless of their will, in order to escape a punishment for their crime. This is wrong because, women aren’t given a say in the situation.
According to the DHS Program, Egypt also holds the largest number of women who have undergone mutilation. Over 90% have undergone this, even at age 15. With feminism this could be protested against and possibly create a difference.
Independent says Saudi Arabia has one of the worst inequalities between men and women. Women are forced into arranged marriages. It’s so intense that a woman named Dina Ali, made a failed attempt to flee and seek asylum, and said she feared she’d be killed on her return due to dishonoring her family. With the fight for women’s equality, women would be given the right to have a say in who they marry.
These are only some of the examples of inequality and why everyone around the world needs feminism. Even in the United States, land of the free, there are inequalities. In Hollywood there have been allegations of sexual assault against women, and men getting away with it. With feminist movements, such as the Times Up, awareness is spread of sexual assault within the film community. The movement is vital in the journey of pushing for a better world for all people.
However, feminism isn’t just about fighting inequality against women, but men too. Women should be held accountable just as much, and that was shown when Melanie Martinez was accused of raping her ex-best friend. A lot of people don’t think of rapists as women, but they are just as capable as men.
Feminism is a powerful movement, which is continuously leading us to a better world. Anyone can support feminism.