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Looking back...

With 2017 in the rearview mirror and the semester about to end, the Prowler staff takes a personal look back on the year 2017...

Ashley Webb:

The one thing I’m probably gonna remember from this past year, 2017, will be my holiday trip to Boston. The day after Christmas, my dad and I packed our bags and prepared for a three-day vacation in Massachusetts’ capital. The problem, however, was that with the windchill, it was about -10 degrees out when walking to our hotel from the parking garage. And it never got better. Each day we were there required vasts amounts of walking to either get food or to go to the many historical sites I’d dreamt of seeing. But the historical sites were definitely worth it. We got to see places like the Old State House, Faneuil Hall, and the current Massachusetts State House. (The only disappointing “site” was the Old Corner Bookstore turned Chipotle.)

Emily Hoover:

The most memorable part of 2017 was my two week mission trip to the Dominican Republic because it was my first time flying without my parents and the longest trip I’d been out of the country on. I was able to intern at the Cups of Cold Water Mission, helping to feed, pray for, and love the impoverished people in the DR. I made many new friends, of whom I continue to keep in contact with. The experience helped me to grow as a person and reminded me of how grateful I should be everyday that I live the life I do, without worry of missing a meal or not being able to attend school.

Emma Chapman:

2017 was a year. I can’t say that it was good or bad, it was just a year. The end of eighth grade was a sad one due to leaving the middle school and all of the teachers waving goodbye. The summer was busy with online classes, a three-week long vacation out west, and three weeks right after that vacation for band camp. Sleep you say? What’s that? The Marching Band season was filled with drama, emotions, and victories that I hope I will never forget. Entering high school was exciting, but terrifying at the same time. College is only four years away, and already it seems my normal school days are over. With 2017 ending, a new year arrives and brings with it more opportunities, experiences, and many, many more memories.

Ethan Curry:

The way that I will remember 2017 as one of the funniest years of my life. During 2017 I did so many stupid things like getting kicked out of Walmart for so many different reasons. Like jumping into the ball pin and throwing around the balls to building forts and getting caught, it will be to look back on these memories 20 years from now. 2017 was a great year for basketball as I score 42 points in a game this year in AAU and am currently the starting center for varsity. I am glad that I got to live every day to the fullest this year 2017 was such a fun year.

Luke Snelling:

I will likely remember 2017 less for school, more for the events that happened. School was just school, doing assignments and doing my best to pass. What will be memorable is a murder every other day in Columbus, fires in half of the country, a mass shooting every month, and freezing cold in the winter. To me, 2017 was more a realization of how much of a mess the world is than anything. I will remember 2017 as the year I got a Nintendo Switch and a PS4, and I will remember 2017 for the memes that it created. It seemed like every week there was a new meme everybody was going crazy about. Last year was insane in one way or another, but it was definitely a year to be remembered.

Maykayla Metcalf:

While good things happened in 2017 there is one thing I will remember about this year that isn't so happy. My little cousins are my favorite people in the world, and they moved to Florida. Whenever my aunt would need help with them, it was always me who would watch them. We became so close that it crushed me when they moved so far away. Facetime or a phone call is not the same as seeing them in person. I know they are happy down there and I’m glad I can still visit them whenever I can though.

Megan Kollar:

For me, 2017 was a year of uphill battles. I faced many circumstances in which my trust in myself and my religion were tested. As a Catholic, I have learned to trust God with my life. While taking part in Confirmation into the Catholic church, I was asked to participate in a camp over a weekend to help myself see what the Catholic religion is truly made of. While on this trip, I experienced such a powerful feeling. All of the teens attending were asked to stand in a line while surrounded by a darkened room and whispering music. Statements were made such as “step forward if you have ever felt like you are not worth it.” Each time one of those statements were made, the amount of people stepping up to the taped line to pray to God for forgiveness varied. There was no judgement as tears flowed from many eyes. Emotions flooded the room. It was such an indescribable moment that will stick with me throughout my life.

Mikayla Proffit:

Now that the year 2017 has come to an end, I have multiple memories to look back on that make it so good. The passing year I had some of the greatest experiences, which definitely outweigh the negative ones.

This includes going to the Alt-Press Music Awards, a Sleeping With Sirens concert, and going to Disney World. It’s also pretty memorable because I turned 18, and am now currently a senior in high school. I got my first tattoo as well in September, with my favorite song lyrics. The year 2017 holds some of my favorite memories that I’ll likely never forget.

Wyatt Lewis:

The year of 2017, there are many things I will remember about that year. The most important being the breakdown at districts of the bowling team. This day has built a lot of character for me as I did not expect things to go as they did. Missing the state qualification by 6 pins is really tough, and it caused the entire bowling team to change our outlook about what we could have done differently throughout districts such as making more spares, getting that one last pin, or

hitting the pocket more. That day will always be in the back of my head as the day we should’ve made state.


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