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"What's Best for Students"

On November 30, Mr. Weaver informed the Licking Valley High School student body of a planned change to the grading system. It is unknown when the changes of GPA and grades will take place, but it is causing quite an uproar in the halls of Valley’s high school.

The high school’s principal Mr. Weaver believes that some of the reasons to change the system is because “college preparation is not doing to students in high school what will be done to them in college.” Weaver also says that “the teachers are very dedicated to the students and have an understanding of what is happening” to the students and the students’ opinions on the situation.

The question came up from peers of what will happen in the future when Valley students apply for college with no GPA, but “colleges know that GPA, ACT scores, and SAT scores are not the only important thing” reports Mr. Weaver.

Mr. Weaver brought to surface details about his daughters’ college experiences. He said his daughters “can cite specific things about our grading system that prepared them very well for college.”

The worries from the student body may be pushed aside because Weaver says “the change will be gradual.” The change hopefully brings a better future to theValley, and the student body may be a part of that stronger future.


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