X Box One X Worth It?
On November 7, 2017, Microsoft launched the new Xbox One X worldwide. Stores around the world held midnight release events. People in cities and countries all around woke up in the middle of the night to stand in a line for hours to get the latest gaming system.

The original version of the Xbox One was released in late 2013, and there have been multiple versions of the system since then. Each system has small improvements, but the Xbox One X relies on its significant improvements. According to Microsoft, the Xbox One X is the most powerful system ever made. This is the second gaming system to include a 4K Gaming Experience, the first being the PS4 Pro, an entirely different system. The Xbox One X will also have, in the future, games that cannot be played on other Xbox systems. This system also has a water-cooling system to prevent overheating. Other gaming platforms rely on only the built-in fans. It is also the smallest Xbox yet, being two inches smaller in every dimension. This all seems amazing to those interested in gaming, but there is a catch. The newest console from Microsoft has a $600 price tag.
With all this said, is the Xbox One X worth it? The answer is an opinion. One easy way to give an opinion a final form is to create a list of Pros and Cons of the system. The Xbox One X has a significant amount of impressive technology. Its water-cooling system is the most effective cooling mechanism out of any console made, preventing the overheating problems that the Xbox 360 and Nintendo Switch both deal with. Additionally, this system is the smallest of all previous Xbox gaming platforms. This makes the system much easier to store and put on shelves. The cooling system and size are, of course, not the highlight of the system. The main selling point of the new console is the hyper-realistic 4K graphics. This means the graphics of games will look so smooth and clean, most televisions cannot display these high-resolution graphics.
On that note, the 4K graphics are obsolete for most people. To witness the beautiful resolution while you play, you must have what is known as a “4K Television,” which is just a TV that can display 4K graphics. On top of this, there is only a small list of games that can be played in 4K resolution as of now. If you wish to play these specific games with improved graphics then you not only have to spend $600 on the system itself but also an extra $1,000 or more on a 4K television, unless you are lucky enough to find amazing deals. With Black Friday coming up, there is more of a chance to find these deals, but this is still an excessive amount of money for better graphics, at least in my opinion.
Now that you have the facts about the Xbox One X, you may form an opinion on if the system is worth the money or not. Personally, I believe the Xbox One X is not worth it as of now, but it could be in the future. As more games are released, the system will have more use. The water-cooling system and incredible size of the console make it impressive, but insufficient compatibility with most television sets makes me skeptical about the system. My opinion should not influence yours, however. Your opinion should be based purely on facts and your experiences.
The Xbox One X is an expensive system, but it has a significant amount impressive technology within. 4K Graphics, water-cooling, microscopic size, and a series of games played best on the Xbox One X. Although this is impressive, there are also flaws in the system. Every individual can make their own opinion on the system if they were to care about it at all. The power of the Xbox One X has been released, and we can now experience the power of the strongest system of all time.