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Winter Spectacular

On December 15, 2017, Student Council will be hosting a Winter Carnival to support the wonderful Operation Feed at Licking Valley High School. This will include exhilarating games all around the gym to collect proceeds for an organization called Operation Feed.

According to, Operation Feed “provides fresh, healthy food for local families struggling with hunger.” Many schools in the surrounding counties gather supplies from students attending their school. That food is then donated to families in need.

According to Mrs. Conley, the instructor of Student Council, the Winter Carnival is “Student Council’s big event for operation feed.” This is the fourth year of the carnival taking place, meaning that Student Council has gained experience in the event allowing for alterations to take place.

Some of the most favored activity booths at the Winter Carnival include “the fishing booth, the balloon pop booth, the obstacle course, and last year’s snow cones were very popular,” says Mrs. Conley. All of these booths are student-led and ran to the benefit of raising money.

When questioned on if Student Council takes any of the proceeds from the event, Mrs. Conley replied with “absolutely not! [Student Council] pays for everything so that all money goes to operation feed.”

If you are interested in attending the Winter Carnival, it will cost $1 or 2 cans of food to get into the event, as well as 2 tickets. You can purchase extra tickets during the event to play more games!

On behalf of Student Council, I hope you are looking forward to the Winter Carnival. Make sure to mark your calendars for December 15 and don’t forget your $1 or 2 cans of food! See you there!


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