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Proper Time to Celebrate Christmas

Two major holidays that happen during the months of November and December always end up clashing. Christmas always seems to be pushed closer and closer to Thanksgiving and it is starting to get stomp all over. Many people go all out for Halloween and as soon as the holiday is over people are putting out Christmas lights, wearing Christmas sweaters and playing Christmas music. The debate is that Thanksgiving hasn’t even been celebrated yet. So where is the line drawn for a proper time to celebrate Christmas?

The times vary as to when people put their decorations up, starting before Thanksgiving and going all the way to Christmas Eve. The point is your home is your home so when you put up your Christmas lights, tree, decorations and listen to music is up to you. Where the line needs to be drawn is how you respect others and the way that they celebrate the holidays. There is no law or rules saying that people can and can’t celebrate the holidays this or that way.

At the end of the day the point of the holidays are not how they are celebrated but spending time with family and remembering why we are celebrating them. We shouldn't be debating how and when to celebrate thing and lose focus on what is it all about.


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