Christmas Coming Early?

A really big question has been asked around the valley multiple times a day and it’s Should you start celebrating for Christmas before Thanksgiving like music, buying presents or just getting in the mood for Christmas now or not.
The first group of people believes that you can start celebrating for Christmas before Thanksgiving. One of the arguments made was that you have to wait 12 months for the holiday and it’s a short 2 days and Christmas is over so by celebrating early you can get the really get the Christmas feel. Christmas is a beautiful holiday with all of the lights and the smell of sweets coming from the window of city houses.
That is one more reason why people celebrate christmas now before Thanksgiving has started. Christmas is a beautiful time but you can always have too much Christmas so that why people say you should wait for until it’s closer to Christmas.
So in conclusion, there is really no right or wrong when it comes to celebrating Christmas people do different things to do with what you think is right at the time.