Black Friday Safety

On November 24, 2017, Black Friday shoppers all over America will shop for great deals, but at what cost?
There are many threats posed to shoppers during Black Friday, but there are many ways to avoid these issues as well. Here’s a list of ten dangers to watch out for and ways to stay safe this holiday season!
Most Likely
-Keep purchases in your hands, don’t set them down, bring them straight to your car or home, if possible.
-Keep purses, wallets, or money in hands or under a jacket. Keep valuables close to your body.
-Hide purchases in trunk of car or under seats so your car won’t tempt someone to steal it.
Lost Kids
-Create a plan with kids of where to meet up if separated.
-Educate kids on suspicious strangers and who to talk to- ie security or employees.
Fistfights or Fights in Genreal
-Stay away from fights.
-If involved, try to back away and get help.
-If being attacked protect your face and call for help.
Getting Separated or Lost
-Have a rendezvous spot where you can meet up after a certain period of time.
Health and Safety
-Dont forget to rest and drink enough water. Dehydration is possible, even on a cold day. If you feel dizzy or are overheating, try to get to a open ventilated space and drink water.
-Pop has some water in it, but not enough to prevent dehydration.
-Be sure to bring quick snacks that are high in energy such as trail mix or granola bars.
-Resting is important so don’t over exert yourself while shopping.
-When waiting in lines outside, be sure to have warm clothes that you can easily take off when you get inside the building.
-If you do not feel safe walking by yourself with your purchases and wallets, stay where you are until you can find someone to walk with you, may that be another person who is going the same way as you, or an employee.
-Crazy Drivers
-Make sure to constantly stay vigilant and be a defensive driver when it comes to going through crowded parking lots and public roads.
-Do not let road rage get the best of you.
-Keep your seatbelt on at all times.
Financial Safety
-Scams and Unnecessary Fees
-Be sure to keep all receipts or proof of purchase so you can spot unnecessary charges
-When shopping, it is wise to keep track of how much you spend. Using only one credit card can help manage expenses and keep bills organized.
-Not Getting What You Paid For
-Keep receipts so when you decide that “this shirt doesn't fit” or, “this tv is too big”, you can return it without hassle, and save your money.