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Hey, Illuminati! Are you out there?

The Illuminati's whereabouts are unknown, along with their members, what they do, why they do it, and how they do it. All we know is this: they were real.

The Illuminati and their existence have been a popular conspiracy theory for years. Many people believe that behind the scenes, they run the government or even control major events like World War II and the attacks of 9/11. Some people believe that they are preparing for the coming of the Antichrist and Armageddon. According to the “official” Illuminati website, they exist to help the human race progress and believe that every single person is imperative for the future of our species. They state that “by protecting the interests of humanity as a whole, our organization has ensured the ongoing dominance of the human species over every other creature and predator on this planet.” The Illuminati wants to make sure the human race doesn't die off and are dominant over all the other animals and predators in the world.

Their existence is debated as well, but we do know they definitely existed in the pa

st. The group was founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1, 1776. The group began with five people who opposed the Catholic Church and its power over society, science, and common beliefs. This was during the age of Enlightenment, so, naturally, they also wanted to spread or “enlighten” the people of their ideas. When the popularity of the Illuminati grew, rumors started to spread and the new duke of Bolivia, Karl Theodor outlawed all secret societies, punishable by death. Adam Weishaupt moved to Gotha, Germany, where he died in exile. Whether the group stayed around after the ban is a mystery.

The Illuminati has been a controversial topic for years and probably won’t stop being questioned for more years to come. Whether or not they are plotting for the destruction of the world, is for every person to decide for themselves. If the Illuminati is, in fact, real, who knows who is in the group and where they meet if they do meet at all. As the creators of the famous TV series “The X-Files” say, “The truth is out there!”

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