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Books, Ghosts & Houses! Oh my!

Students at Licking Valley High school are meeting every Thursday during their study halls for Maker-Space, a fun break from the normal school day. This fall, groups of LVHS students are competing against each other to create spooky haunted houses!

Ms. Boehmer, the Licking Valley High School’s librarian, explained that Maker-Space’s point is,“to get students more involved [in] activities… something once a week where students can come and don’t have to work and have fun.” Ms. Boehmer further explained that she is “really excited about it… I’m excited that the students are taking this so seriously, I have students coming in almost every day working on it, and I’m enjoying their enthusiasm.” Ms. Boehmer has been working hard for multiple years to keep Maker-Space fun and interesting, with past activities such as yoga and decorations for the library.

The haunted house competition was an idea from one of Ms. Boehmer's library aides that was accepted with open arms from students looking for a friendly, creative competition. There are currently seven teams working hard to finish their hair-raising homesteads before the October 4 deadline, with multiple different takes on the project. Some teams have graveyards and shingles, while others are taking a bit more of a creative look on the project having an inside aspect with old furniture and ghosts.Each house is a bit different, with each team’s personalities showing through.The awards for the houses are Student Choice Award, LV Staff Award, Scariest Haunted House Award and Most Creative Haunted House Award, with coffee and candy awarded to the winners.

Thursdays are indeed very alive with activities in the Library, so check it out for yourself, and see what Ms. Boehmer and her library aides come up with next! Whether you want to play the piano, work on a house, laugh with friends, or read an interesting paperback, there's always something to do in the Library!


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