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19 Not ‘21

by Emme Cherubini

Covid-19 arrived to the news and media around March 10, 2020 and it still hasn’t ended. The virus is similar to the flu and contains the same symptoms such as high fever, shortness of breath, and nausea. This virus has affected so many lives in so many ways like traveling, school, and working. In a school aspect, Covid-19 started with the class of 2020 and affected their spring sports, senior prom, and graduation. Fast Forward to August 2020, after months of quarantine, Corona is still in effect and is now affecting the class of 2021.

Unexpectedly, the class of 2020 was greatly affected by Covid-19 very unexpectedly (unlike the class of 2021), who is very aware of what’s happening currently. However, the class of 2021 is still affected by Covid-19 daily especially in school. No senior ever thought that their graduation year was going to start, let alone not end, like this. Many social experiences are getting taken away from this year's seniors and the rest of the students like football games, homecoming, and other beginning of school activities. Taking these activities away from a school year makes it very depressing and hard for students to want to be there but having a positive outlook on what’s to come can be beneficial for many students, not only seniors, but teen mental health.

Many students are coping mentally with Covid-19. When given a negative obstacle in life, dwelling on it is only going to make matters worse. Having a positive outlook on life in general can lead to a better mental state and happiness. Trying to stay positive in a negative situation can be difficult due to the weight it brings upon someone. Having emotions is important to having a healthy mental state because bottling up all your emotions will only make the situation worse. Remembering to allow yourself to have the emotions of something negative is important but not letting yourself dwell on it is even more important.

Even though students have to maintain Covid-19 regulations when coming back to face to face learning it is somewhat of a positive light to 2020. Being back in school gives students the hope to be back to “normal”.

Hopefully life can get back to normal soon and spring can be a whole new school year.



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